Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Pet Peeves

If you asked me my top ten pet peeves (at the moment), they would probably be:

  • the smell and sound of gum (as well as looking at chewed gum, which makes me gag)
  • when people don't use turn signals
  • when I can't find my cell phone in my purse before it goes to VM
  • that my computer gives me an error message whenever I go to shut down
  • that every TV show now incorporates a scene where one of the characters is brushing his or her teeth (I hate seeing toothpaste foam and watching people spit)
  • getting a bazillion plastic grocery bags when I grocery shop (see my Green Tuesday entry)
  • Daylight Savings Time (I'm not a morning person and, for six months, I know I'm getting up an hour earlier than I did from Oct.-March)
  • opening an avocado and finding it's either not ripe or spoiled
  • snow in March (and April, and May, for that matter)
  • noticing my clothes are wrinkled after I've ironed
  • that there are no good TV shows on on Sundays

I'm guessing you can learn a lot about me from my list. Looking back at it, I noticed I made two references to TV. Hmmm, am I an avid watcher? I think so. I also revealed my need for technology, that I'm not a morning person, and that I must be over 16, since I drive. (The only thing it doesn't include that it should have is my love of candy. Let me add a number eleven pet peeve: how unrealistic the serving size is on movie candy boxes--has anyone ever really gotten the box to last more than two servings?!)

What's on your list? Does it give a snapshot into your personality? (Send as your comment if you like)

Now it's time for an exercise: think of a character in a book you're writing. What would their top ten (or five) pet peeves be? Are there certain foods they have quirks about? What things about other people bother your character? Don't forget to think about peeves that relate to your character's age: A sixth grader will have different pet peeves than someone that is in high school. For instance, I said that people not using turn signals bothers me--that wouldn't bother a sixth grader, but their mom singing a Britney Spears song along with the car radio probably would.

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