Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Do Not Disturb--I'm Green

Happy Green Tuesday! My news of my greenness comes from my weekend trip to Champaign, IL. As many of you may have noticed, hotels are beginning to green-up--displaying signs in the room that unless the sheets are stripped from the bed or the towels left in a pile on the floor, they will not be replaced. At home we don't change the sheets daily or use a new towel every time we shower--do we need to do this when we stay at hotels?

Unfortunately, the hotel where I stayed didn't display these signs in the rooms. So I asked, "Do you replace the sheets and towels daily?" The man behind the counter PROUDLY said they do. I asked "What if you don't want them changed daily?" He looked at me funny. He finally suggested I put a sign on the things I don't want changed.

As I shared this with other conference attendants, it was suggested to just put the "Do Not Disturb" sign up. Genius! Not only would the towels and sheets not be unnecessarily cleaned, but the bathroom wouldn't be cleaned either. Again, at home I don't scrub down my bathroom daily. And...with the "Do Not Disturb" sign on, I wouldn't have to straighten up my hotel room--I could be a slob and no one would know!


kristin-walker said...

Hey, Nat! The blog looks great. Give my regards to Cow!


Barrie said...

I will feel I have arrived greenwise if I ever get a composter. Welcome to the world of blogging!